As a spouse, you should try to get to know your spouse’s feelings, desires, likes and dislikes. Remember that as you and your spouse get older, the need for mutual understanding increases.
The personality presented by the Holy Quran regarding Prophet Jesus Christ- The Messiah (AS) - is by far more sublime and lofty than that presented in the Bible(s) presently available.
"Look out for your thoughts, for they will become your words. Look out for your words, for they will become your actions.
Ayatollah Khamenei: “This Revolution is nowhere in the world known without the name of Imam Khomeini (RA).”...
As we know, the various aspects of Imam Khomeini’s (ra) lifestyle are full of invaluable lessons, for all who desire to lead an Islamic way of life. Here, we present some accounts of his manners and conduct at home and in his marital life for the benefit of couples, in particular young couples who need to learn how to live according to Islamic teachings. As narrated by his family members, Imam Khomeini (ra) was most modest towards his wife in all conditions (as well as towards the others), based on religious teachings, including this Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): “The most virtuous of people are those who are modest while they are in a superior position to the others.” This Hadith teaches us that when in power and position, one should regard modest conduct as most needed and obligatory. As we know, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was always himself the perfect symbol of modesty. His Holiness would sit and eat on the ground, would milk the sheep with his own hands and would accept the invitation to food offered him by bondsmen and acted most kindly toward his family members.
Loneliness is a primary source of “deprivation” stress. People can experience the same physical and emotional impacts from loneliness as they do from work overload or difficult life circumstances.
Including half a part of the society’s human force, women posses a particular stance in educating every society’s resources, i.e. children and would-be useful members of society. When a woman, besides educating children and satisfying her husband’s needs...
Sure all of you have read and/ or heard some very interestingfacts about the miraculous properties of fresh fruits and vegetables. Certainly, ...
Humans inherently tend to accept religion and shape their lives according to religious doctrines. On this basis, we can say that religion is born with the human being. Having this in mind and looking at man’s history, we can infer that humans bring the essence of religion with themselves, without the help of any messenger. This essence is a bunch of their beliefs which is manifested as a series of customs and ceremonies. Man is conscious that no creature, even himself, is independent and standing on his own.
Imam Khomeini said about the role of Iranian women in the sacred defense: “Victori-ous and glorified be the Islamic Movement of the great Iranian women. How honorable is this magnificent class of society who, through their worthy and coura-geous presence at the scene of the defense brought victory to the Islamic homeland, the Holy Qur’an, and the Revolution and who are now active and ready for self-sacrifice both at the war-fronts and behind the warfronts.
Q: I am rather surprised at the word ‘awakening’ being used so repeatedly nowadays in connection with the recent Muslims’ Movements. I often ask myself “Were the Muslims sleeping before?” that they are regarded as being awakening now? I would appreciate some comments in this regard, thank you. (Zakkiya, Karachi)
The Holy Qur’an is the Divine Book of guidance, revealed to educate human beings. Thus, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam to whom the Holy Qur’an was revealed, has been chiefly tasked with education and guidance of human beings.
Martyr Bint al-Huda Sadr (1938 - 1980), Seyyed Heidar Sadr’s daugh-ter and martyr Ayatollah Seyyed Muhammad Baqir Sadr’s sister, was born in the holy city of Kazimayn.
Pour 5 glasses of hot water in a pan and bring to boil. Add salt, ground walnuts and pomegranate juice or paste. If pomegranate juice or paste is sour, add 2-3 tablespoons sugar to the khoresht.
Some analysts consider women as a half of society, and others say that she is the partner of the man and they also said of her the beauty and the joy of living.
Maryam Kargar Razi (Ph.D) is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Chemistry at Azad university in Tehran North branch. Here, we have done an interview with her about her success.
1. Align yourself with right no matter the cost. 2. Enjoin good and forbid evil. 3. Love those who are good and befriend yourself to them. 4. Do not be friends with those who do evil, are cruel or are foolish.
Following in the footsteps of the messen-ger of the school of ‘Ashura, Hazrat Zeinab (sa), Iranian women created unforgettable historic epics in the course of the Iraqi im-posed war. They bravely supported their men and took pride in having self-sacrificing children. Those women have been the sym-bols of the love of martyrdom, believed in re-sistance to the last moment, and proved Iran to be the land of self-sacrifice, resistance, and martyrdom.
“But the faithful, men and women, are comrades of one another: they bid what is right and forbid what is wrong and maintain the prayer, give the Zakat, and obey Allah and His Apostle. It is they to whom Allah will soon grant His mercy. Indeed Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.”...
Netanyahu, the corrupt Prime Minister of a fake regime, who is fighting for his political life, sought to strengthen his internal position by continuing crimes against the oppressed Palestinian people. He was, however, unconscious of the fact that the Zionist regime was about to be exposed to the most severe rocket attacks, in its history, by the Palestinian resistance groups.
June 4th, 2021 marks the 32nd anniversary of the sad demise of the former leader and of the Islamic Revolution and the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the late Imam Khomeini(RA).
Sports and physical exercises enjoy particular significance in our traditional medicine, so much so that it is prescribed as a remedy, since physical exercises have proved to leave very desirable effects on one’s health. ...
As Muslims, each of us needs to study our own degree of devotion to our faith. In other words, we need to constantly check to see how much we are Muslims, whether we live up to the requirements of our faith carefully and with commitment or whether God-forbid, most of the time neglect parts of our duties towards our Creator – Allah – The One and only God. No doubt, all of us desire Allah’s pleasure and a nice place in paradise in the Hereafter, but not all of us might be careful enough regarding the details of our daily actions and thoughts, to see our faults and shortcomings, and to try to remove them.
This prayer, which we recite every New Year, contains a very interesting point. It says: "...transform our condition into the best condition." It does not say transform us to a better state or better condition. It is a request to the Almighty to transform our condition to the best of conditions. The sincere and dedicated effort of Muslim individuals is the one that allows them to reach the best in all areas and affairs. March 2010
Open the windows, for the spring breeze is celebrating the rebirth of flowers and the spring sunlight has lit a candle on every branch of trees. For us Iranians, Nowruz is a symbol of freshness, re-birth of nature, and the removal of all impurities from bodies and souls and also a symbol of solidarity among the various Iranian ethnicities and unity of the whole nation. These are all values for us. As for the Haft-Seen spread on which seven items are put, (the names of which starts with the letter Seen in the Persian language) it should be said that it is also a custom rooted in the belief of the Iranians in spiritual concepts including the number seven, which is connected with several sacred facts, such as the seven Skies, the seven days of the week and so on. Each item placed on the Haft-Seen spread also symbolizes spirituality and hope for prosperity and strength. For example, Seer (garlic) symbolizes vigor and dynamism. Seeb (apple) is regarded as a symbol of re-birth, recreation, and good health. As I remember, there has always been a copy of the Holy Qur’an placed first and foremost on our Nowruz Haft-Seen spread.
Happy Nowruz, happy spring. May Allah - The Gracious give you the best in life, and may He help you make your lives as beautiful and fruitful as springs. As we know, this world’s life has its ups and downs, like each year in our lives in which the refreshing spring and warm summer are followed by a dry or cold autumn, and colder winter. Yet the fact is that Allah, the All-Knowing, has placed innumerable blessings for His servants in each of these apparently difficult times. One lesson we can take from this fact is that we should regard hardships we go through in life as leading to certain blessings, just as cold winters give their place to refreshing springs. Hope and trust in God are really what we need most to become able to tolerate what we need to tolerate, without thanklessness. Our divine teachers have taught us, among others, to rely on Allah - The One and Only God - and to keep our hearts alive and healthy through remembering God. This lesson is most valuable and should be conveyed to all.
Dear readers, we wish you all a happy Nowruz and a blissful life. May Allah make your whole life and the lives of your dear ones filled with desirable achievements, especially in connection with raising healthy, promising children. Please read the following question and answer for gaining certain guidelines.
Rakhshandeh E’tesami, known as Parvin E’tesami (1907-1941, Tabriz) was a 20th-century Iranian poetess and a prominent Iranian lexicographer. Parvin was around seven or eight years old when her poetic talent was revealed. Through her father’s encouragement, she versified some literary pieces which were translated from western sources by her father. In 1921-22, some of her earliest known poems were published in a Persian magazine named ‘Bahar’ (lit. spring).
Spring with all its fragrance and freshness had entered the orchard of our house. As if a chunk of spring had just fallen into our yard. The smell of Farvardin (the first Iranian calendar month) had permeated everywhere. There was warm and pleasant sunshine. I could just see the warm breath of the earth coming out of the soil of the orchard. It was the Sizdahbedar Festival (the thirteenth day of the Iranian New Year).
Mushrif al-Din ibn Muslih al-Din, popularly known as Saʿdi, also spelled Saadi, (1213 – 1291 CE, Shiraz, Iran), was one of the greatest figures in classical Persian literature. He lost his father, Muslih al-Din, in early childhood; later he was sent to study in Baghdad at the renowned Nezamiyeh College, where he received the traditional Islamic teachings. The unsettled conditions following the Mongol invasion of Persia led him to wander abroad through Anatolia, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. In his works, he has also mentioned having traveled to India and Central Asia. He claimed that he was held captive by the Franks and put to work in the trenches of the fortress of Tripoli (now in Lebanon). When he returned to his native Shiraz, he was middle-aged; he seems to have spent the rest of his life in Shiraz. Saʿdi took his nom de plume from the name of a local Atabeg (prince), Saʿd ibn Zangi. Saʿdi’s best-known works are the Boustan (1257; The Orchard) and the Golestan (1258; The Rose Garden). The Boustan is entirely a book of poems and consists of stories aptly illustrating the standard virtues recommended to Muslims (justice, liberality, modesty, contentment) as well as reflections on the behavior of dervishes and their ecstatic practices.
I said to a friend that I have chosen rather to be silent than to speak because on most occasions good and bad words are scattered concurrently but enemies perceive only the latter. He replied: ‘That enemy is the greatest who does not see any good.’