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The Truth Nayyereh Towhidi Labbaik Ya Rasullah! Here, am I O Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)! May my life be sacrificed for you O Rasullah! May my blood be sacrificed for you O Rasullah! May my parents, my spouse, my children be sacrificed for you. May all my possessions, every gift Allah has granted me be sacrificed for you. With the above-mentioned Divinely-blessed phrases, the esteemed Muslim Lebanese leader, Sayyid Hasan Nasrullah, himself a truthful offspring of Rasullah started his reviving speech at a gathering of enraged Lebanese Muslims (in Mid-September 2012) held in protest against the offensive film produced at the hands of the mercenaries of the Zionists against Allah’s last and most exalted Messenger – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), later joined by Lebanese Christians. Severely enraged, quite truthfully and reasonably of course, Sayyid Hasan Nasrullah emphasized that the production of that evil film by the Zionists is more dangerous than their setting fire to Masjid-ul-Aqsa (before). The devout Lebanese leader also urged the world Muslims to unite in their standing up against this heinous plot and pressure the U.S. and its allies to ban the offensive desecrating film and to punish the producers. Of course, by Allah’s help, the world Muslims will unitedly and strongly slap the agents behind such anti-God plots so that they will learn an unforgettable lesson from that rebuff and slap and thus never again dare to commit such unforgivable crimes. Thanks to Allah – today the world Muslims and also the true believers in other Divine faiths and indeed every truth-seeking human being have been awakened enough to realize the hypocrisy of the Western Secular democracy and thus to disbelieve and reject the claims made by the Zionism-oriented leaders who declare that they cannot ban such anti-Islam films because if they do so, it will be a violation of “freedom of speech”. In this regard, let’s mention the point stressed repeatedly by the esteemed leader of the Islamic revolution , Ayatollah Khamenei: “No one in the West dares to speak a word in denial of the holocaust or even in opposition to such heinous immoralities as homosexuality, because severe punishments including jail and heavy fines will be imposed on the person who does so, but when the most exalted Divine Messenger is insulted, the U.S. government and their Zionist allies support the criminal culprits under the pretext of defending freedom of speech….” Imagine what would happen if such devilish crimes will be allowed to be continued – desecrating the sanctities of the most perfect Divine faith, insulting the most revered Divine Messenger and disrespecting the last and the most perfect Holy Book….? A real tragedy for humanity! It goes without saying that only the followers of the Satan are against God’s Messengers. So, to save humanity from the plots of the modern satans, the true servants of God should unite and persist in their sacred struggles, in defense of the most honorable Prophet (PBUH) and faith. Facts In a hadith, Imam Sadiq (AS) says: “If the people realize the beauty of our words, they will embrace them.” This narration from the Infallible certainly points to the fact that human beings are as per their inborn, God-given nature, fond of the truth which is truly beautiful and loveable, and it is the duty of those who know to inform and educate those who do not know, just as the haves- the wealthy are duty-bound to share their riches with the have-nots. So, each and every human being who feels for humanity, who considers him/herself a responsible being and who desires to enlighten the others, besides of course him/herself, should first try to equip him/herself with knowledge of the truth and then try hard to convey the same to the others. This is a very significant obligation, in particular in this age of ours – the age of communications when the evil-minded agents of the imperialists and Zionists use all available means, especially the mass media to give a negative, false picture of Islam to the world people, some of whom might unfortunately be naïve enough to believe the totally false material presented by the mercenaries of the arrogant powers as films and articles. Here we would like to draw the esteemed attention of our readers to a report published in the Muslim News (29 June, 2012) headed: “Passenger refuses to be served by a Muslim at passport control.” The report is about a businessman who(according to himself) impressed by an article he had read on a flight into Manchester in the Daily Mail, insulted a Hijab-wearing Muslim lady serving at the airport and later apologized during a police interview. As the title of that article- Victimization and Christianity” suggests, the article seems to have been one of the many mischievous writings aimed at presenting Islam and the Muslims as enemies of Christianity and Christians. No doubt all such expressions are part of the intrigues of the friends of the Devil- the Zionists who are the enemies of humanity and regard their interests to be in creating discord and hostility among world people, in particular among the followers of the world great faiths- Islam and Christianity. Another outstanding example of these devilish intrigues has certainly been the “Qur’an-burning Plot” carried out so shamelessly by a pseudo-priest, whose satanic action, did not however achieve its evil goals including the goal of irritating the Muslims against Christians. By Allah’s grace, Muslims the world over have become aware of the mischievous goals behind such plots and thus never show the reactions which the plotters desire. They consider the Christians as well as the followers of the other Devine faiths as brothers (and sisters) in humanity and hold Prophet Jesus (AS) and his mother - Virgin Mary (SA) in great reverence, because in their Holy Book – The Qur’an – the very Book disrespected by that evil anti-God so-called priest, Prophet Jesus Christ – Isa (AS) has been mentioned and praised as a great Divine Prophet and also a whole Chapter (Chapter 19 of the Holy Qur’an) has been titled Maryam – Mary – the revered mother of Jesus Christ (AS). Whether or not that damned Qur’an-burner was aware of these facts about the Holy Qur’an, and whether or not he knew that by burning and desecrating the copy of the Holy Qur’an he was indeed desecrating the name of Prophet Jesus Christ (AS) and his mother – Virgin Mary seems to have been of no effect in connection with his evil act, since any way he has sold his soul to Satan by becoming a cursed hireling of the enemies of God, and thus has had to carry out their plots at any cost. And as a matter of fact, he can never claim to be a Christian, because he has burned the very pages (of the Holy Qur’an) in which Prophet Jesus (AS) and his holy mother have been talked about and honoured by Allah. And by Allah’s grace, today the devout followers of other Divine faiths are becoming increasingly aware of the devilish intentions behind anti-Islam moves. The fact that in Lebanon, the Lebanese Christians joined the huge gatherings of the Muslim (both Sunni and Shi’a) demonstrators severely protesting against the Zionist – engineered offensive film in which Islamic sanctities, in particular the sacred character of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has been dishonoured, indicates the world peoples’ awareness of the evil nature and their hatred of the arrogant powers’ policies and plots and their determination to stand up against the arrogant imperialists and their lackeys in order to put an end to their Satanic ominous domination and influence the world over. So, under such critical fateful conditions, every aware individual is duty-bound to try to spread the truth and to disclose the lies and intrigues, so the world people can follow the facts with wisdom and knowledge. Obviously, the world-devouring Zionists and their puppets will not remain silent and inactive. They have realized that the victory of the peoples over the dictators have been due to their Islamic awakening – and following the Divine teachings and Divine teachers and so they have increased their demonic assaults against the most perfect Divine faith – Islam and the most exalted Divine Messenger – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) hoping vainly to overcome the Muslims this way. Yet, as the Holy Qur’an has promised, Allah helps those who struggle against the oppressors and victory will be for the righteous. Obviously, those who defend the honour of the most honorable man ever created – Allah’s last Messenger - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the face of the supporters of genocidal imperialism are among the righteous, Promised support by Allah, since Allah has in numerous verses Himself declared the most lofty sacred position of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Holy Qur’an, including in verse 56 of Chapter 33 Al-Ahzab: “Indeed Allah and His angels bless the Prophet; O you who have faith! Invoke blessings on him and invoke Peace upon him in a worthy manner.”
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