Peaceful Treatment towards the Followers of other Faiths | ||
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Peaceful Treatment towards the Followers of other Faiths Translated by: Nayyereh Towhidi 7- Universal peace Islam from the very beginning presented the principles for peace, thus paving the way for universal peaceful co-existence. In this connection, suffice it to say that peace is the spirit of Islam. he word "Islam" is a derivative of "silm"(peace), and so we can most rightfully claim that Islam ensures the true sense of peace and tranquility. Accordingly the Holy Qur'an(verse 208, chapter 2) orders the believers to unitedly step into the realm of peace. The Islamic concept of peace(silm) is immensely lofty and formidable, embracing safety and security too and does not denote a temporary superficial peace. In the Holy Qur'an, (verse 61, chapter 8) Allah orders His Messenger(PBUH) to incline towards peace incase the opponents express inclination towards peace. Islam’s interest in peace is to such a great extent as to give the faithful hope for ties of friendship due to good conduct by them with those who oppose them.(verse7, chapter60).As a matter of fact, we may infer from the Holy Qur'an that Allah orders the Muslims to avoid any friendship with that group of disbelievers who embarked upon armed combat against the Muslims and/or drove them out of their homes and lands and in short, those who explicitly, in word and in deeds expressed enmity towards Islam and the Muslims, such as the Meccan polytheists at the time of the Holy Prophet(PBUH) of Islam.Yet, there was also another group who though infidel and polytheist did not fight against the Muslims, nor did they attempt to drive out the Muslims from their land and even a group of them had concluded a peace treaty with the Muslims. The Holy Qur'an’s instruction to Muslims regarding these groups is tolerance and peaceful behavior. In short, Islam presents the wisest and most progressive methods and teachings regarding foreign policy(as with all other aspects of life) which is based on adherence to peace and peaceful co-existence. Islam also commands the Muslims to try to acquire as much strength as possible so they will be ready for defense if necessary. As a matter of fact, Islam attaches so great significance to peace and peaceful co-existence as to urge the Muslims to adhere to peace and reconciliation both in family issues and community affairs. 8- Straggle against the superiority-seeking tendencies of the others Certain verses of the Holy Qur'an particularly reject the biased beliefs of the followers of some other religions-the false evil beliefs which have been the cause of much rancor and hostility on the part of those who hold such beliefs towards the others. The Holy Qur'an; after calling upon its followers to adhere to peaceful co-existence with and tolerance of the followers of other religions crushes the bases of misleading beliefs and false thoughts.The Jews and Christians thought themselves to be God’s selected people; to have exclusively established eternal relationships with God, to be the only people who go to paradise. They held that the Jews and the Christians are superior to all others that they are the only respectable people and the rest had to bow in homage to the Jews and the Christians. Verse 18 of chapter 5 and verse 112 of chapter 2 of the Holy Qur'an explicitly reject such baseless prejudiced claims which are obviously very dangerous ideas, capable of arousing wars and through sound reasoning reveals that such beliefs are utterly false and illogical.It goes without saying that if such baseless, hazardous views prevail among a group of people and a community in the world, they will not have peace and peaceful co-existence with the others. No doubt, the removal and eradication of wrong prejudices, superiority-seeking and racism paves the way for peaceful co-existence among the followers of various religions and among various nations. In view of the Holy Qur'an, Allah’s last and most perfect Book, no people can claim to be especially favored by Allah over the others and each person will be honored and rewarded by Allah according to his/her truthfulness, piety, adherence to justice and submission to Divine Commands. 9- Universal cooperation There is no doubt that cooperation is a must for social life. Without cooperation in various areas, including the cultural, economic, political and social areas, social life and world system will clearly suffer disruption. Likewise, the ever-increasing world problems demand collective effort and cooperation. The Holy Qur'an orders its followers to cooperate and participate in virtuous, beneficial works and directions and to avoid cooperation in sins and aggressive deeds.(chapter5, verse2) Certainly any honest endeavor towards the administration of justice, equality, peace, security and progress are included in the category of the virtuous, beneficial acts and works enjoined by the Holy Qur'an and likewise any kind of effort rendered to uproot tyranny and corruption and any struggle against oppression, colonialism, racism and aggression most particularly on a world level is regarded according to the Holy Qur'an as a reward-worthy act embarked upon for spreading good and directing the people towards the will of Allah-The Gracious. Likewise, Islam prohibits cooperation in any evil and corrupt field. In connection with cooperation for beneficial purposes, it should be mentioned that to achieve the best possible level of universal understanding and as a result peace and security, shared beliefs and principles should be considered and emphasized as far as possible.Besides recommending focus on shared views and enjoining cooperation in pious beneficial acts, the Holy Qur'an has permitted the Muslims to marry the women of Ahlul-kitab(the Christians and the Jews) and to eat the food offered by them (excluding wine, pork and the rest of what has been regarded by Islam as unlawful to eat or drink).(Chapter 5, verse 5) Clearly, these permitted acts lead among others to cooperation and peaceful co-existence. In the view of Islam, cooperation(in beneficial areas), besides being a religious obligation, is necessary for human life. Without cooperation, human beings will not benefit from the earth and from the resources Allah has deposited in it. | ||
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