Wisdoms behind Islamic Decrees | ||
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Wisdoms behind Islamic Decrees Reza Yarjibadi No doubt, Divine commands and prohibitions can through using mind, reason and sciences be proven to be based on what is good for us as human beings, i.e. our Gracious Creator, being aware of everything has commanded us to do what is good for us and forbidden what is harmful. Here, we will briefly deal with certain Islamic commands and inhibitions and the wisdom behind them. In verses 30 and 31 of Chapter 24 (Al- Noor) of the Holy Qur’an, the faithful are first commanded by Allah to guard their eyes (against illegitimate, lustful looks). This Divine decree which is followed by the command to guard one’s private parts (against illegitimate sex) certainly reveals the fact that to be pure and devoid of sexual misconducts, faithful women and faithful men should primarily mind their eyes and avoid forbidden looks. And from Allah’s last and most perfect Messenger – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) it has been narrated that: “Gazing (at non-Mahram) is a poisonous arrow from Satan’s arrows.” Biharul-Anwar Likewise Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)’s successor and the most exalted pupil, Imam Ali (AS), has been quoted: “A gaze can be the seed of many unlawful infatuations.” With the advance of sciences, we can now prove certain wisdoms behind these and in fact every other divine teaching more effectively. After comprehensive researches, scientists have found out that lustful looks and gazes bring about certain harms on one’s physical, mental and emotional health and cause various disorders in life including insomnia, nervousness and loss of appetite and also push (impious) men towards sadism and the (impious) women towards masochism, among other health problems. As for the Islamic teachings on eating and drinking within limits, here we would like to draw the esteemed attention of the readers to verse 31 of Chapter 7 (A’raf) of the Holy Qur’an in which Allah – The Wise has commanded us to avoid extravagant consumption (of everything). This Divine Command, according to Qur’anic commentators includes the prohibition of haram foods and drinks too. Regarding the harms caused by eating and/or drinking too much, many findings have so far been presented by physicians and researches including gastronomical and heart diseases and kidney problems. Plus of course disorders in one’s mental functions and loss of emotional well-being. As you probably know, gluttons are mostly lazy, dizzy and lacking in intelligence and are also more lustful (and hence sex-obsessed) than people who eat less. In this connection, Imam Ali (AS) has been quoted as saying: “Eating (and drinking) less prevents many diseases.” There are also many other wise sayings from the Infallible (AS) regarding what to eat and drink, how to eat and drink, how much to eat and drink and….. A particularly note-worthy useful advice given by our Divine teachers is that on using salt before and after each meal. Imam Ali (AS) has said: “Start your meals by eating (a little) salt. Truly if people knew what good properties are there in doing so, they would prefer it to even antidote.” Likewise, Imam Sadiq (AS) has quoted the Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam as having advised Imam Ali (AS), thus: “O Ali! Start and end your meals with salt, for the one who does so will be immune from 72 afflictions including insanity, leprosy and alphosis.” Also, it has been narrated from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam that eating a little salt both before and after each meal removes the white and black spots from one’s face. In this connection, scientific researchers have had a lot to say in proof of the truth and wisdom behind such Divine teachings: salt contains an acid which is the best disinfectant, because no microbe can grow in salt. Also, in his book titled “Hygienic Rules in Islam”, Dr. Tompanpance has dealt with the good effects (on one’s health) of eating salt before meals, presenting certain medical findings in this regard, including the fact that salt removes the microbes from the mouth in which many sorts of microbes can develop, and that eating salt before meals is a good help for one’s digestive system. Regarding the desirable effects of other Divine directions and teachings including Ghusl and Wudhu there are also certain scientific findings presented by researchers, of which the discussion will take many pages. So, here we conclude the article by paying to Allah – The Beneficent to illuminate our hearts and minds with the knowledge we need for our salvation. | ||
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