Iran’s Islamic Revolution and Women | ||
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Iran’s Islamic Revolution and Women Compiled by: Fatemeh Khazaii Translated by: Ayoob Dehghankar Including half a part of the society’s human force, women posses a particular stance in educating every society’s resources, i.e. children and would-be useful members of society. When a woman, besides educating children and satisfying her husband’s needs, manages to achieve social and scientific fulfillments, she can play a more successful role in children’s education and pedagogy, through relying on her experiences and knowledge. That is why, aiming satisfies all needs of human beings, and Islam attaches a great significance to this sort of progressive society. Iran’s Islamic Revolution can be coped with from different points of view. In this article, however, the status of women has been dealt with. As far as the status of women in Islamic Revolution is concerned, what is worth paying much attention to is that the Islamic Revolution is considered as milestone in women’s political life? It was due to the fact that not only a huge corpus of women played a very active role aiming at fulfilling the goals of the Islamic Revolution, i.e. Independence, Freedom, the Islamic government, but also from this viewpoint that it was since the revolution in 1979 that the women’s awareness of discriminations emerged and also from the viewpoint of their awareness of their impact on political and social revolutions.
Women in Society; The Holy Qur'an is the most important source indicating the legitimacy of women’s political rights. In Surah Momtahanah )verse 12(, Qur'an states that: “O Prophet, when the woman believers come to you to express their allegiance to believe no one but God……do accept their allegiance...” Allegiance here is the nations’ commitment and devotion to follow him and not to disobey his orders. In the day of conquering Mecca, the Holy Prophet )PBUH( did receive allegiance from men. Then when women came to submit their allegiance this verse was descended to the Holy Prophet and God ordered him to accept women’s allegiance and expressed its conditions and qualifications. According to some narrations, some followers asked about the qualifications and conditions, and the Holy Prophet answered them totally. Expressing the women’s allegiance in Hudaybiah peace and Mecca conquest indicates that according to Islam, women have this right to accompany men, and express their ideas in political and social affairs, and as far as they can, share the responsibilities. Hossein Shafaee, some phrases on the woman’s status in Qur'an, Siraj, no.1, Fall 1372, p.64. The holy verse “and for them is equal to what is against them in goodness” )Baqarah, 228( indicates that for women worthy rights have been considered on the basis of their duties and responsibilities.“When after the knowledge you have received somebody struggled with you, tell them: we submit our children, you submit your children, we submit our wives, you submit your wives, we submit ourselves, you submit your selves, then lets seek for the truth, and God’s damn be on the liars.” )Al-e-Emran, 61(. So, we can see that according to Qur'an and on the basis of above-mentioned verses it can be stated that women’s rights in political affairs is quite preserved. Zahra Mostafavi, a glance at women’s rights in Islam and other religions, Neda, no. 4, Winter 1369, pp. 24-26.
The history of early Islam indicates the women’s political roles as well; Khadijah’s direct function and effective role in Islam’s establishment and victory is crystal clear in that she was the Holy Prophet’s proponent both financially and emotionally. Since two decades before the Islamic Revolution; i.e. 40s and 50s, women gradually stepped in social, professional and educational arenas of life. The Iranian society, in the age of 1979 revolution, had already experienced a particular amount of consumerist modernism and women were present at social activities and were getting gradually familiar with deprivations and political and social discriminations. All these were under the dictatorship of the imperial regime. The reason for this plight was that the imperialistic regime regarded women as mere objects and considered turpitude and immorality as the signs of civilization that is why the moral and ethical values were ignored. Consequently some committed revolutionary women did resist against the immoralities and tried to illuminate peoples’ thoughts and as a result they were prisoned by Shah's mercenaries. However, the revolution’s sparkles shone gradually. At this time women played a more active role than they did before. In spite of women’s historical background in Iran’s evolution, which cannot be touched upon here, the most effective and dominant presence of women in social and political evolutions is related to their oppositions during the Islamic Revolution. These oppositions were, under Imam Khomeini’s leadership and his followers’ guidance, led deliberately and they were on the basis of people’s belief in freedom and religious faith. Marvelously, according to historians, the role of housewives in the revolutionary demonstrations was more eminent than that of those women who were studying in universities or those who were working in administrations. Some theorists believe that the huge number of women participating in revolutionary demonstrations and activities did facilitate and prepare the ground for the Islamic Revolution in that women included half of the society’s population and were playing a significant role during the revolution. The sensitivity of women’s role is due to their deep influence on all arenas of life. The role of women during and after the Islamic Revolution, in the holy defense, is undeniable. Iranian woman, by her presence in the Islamic Revolution, aimed two important goals; objecting to the present status, and demanding a basic evolution in society’s standpoints towards women. Imam Khomeini did put much emphasis on women’s role and their presence in society. The new role of woman was signified in the Islam’s framework and following the example of Her Holiness Fatimah )Peace be upon her(. During the holy defense, it was revealed that women have played a very important role without which no achievement could be fulfilled. Indicating the key role of women, Imam Khomeini stated that: “…whatever we have, is due to women…”
The fundamental role of Women in the Islamic Revolution Before the success of the Islamic revolution, the Iranian women had played various roles. However, we are going to deal with two fundamental roles of women which have frequently been touched upon in Imam Khomeini’s speeches. a( Women; leaders of the Islamic movement The founder of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini who never used to exaggerate or understate in his speeches, on the role of women during the Islamic Revolution stated: “Men held demonstration as a result of following women.” and “Iranian women in Qom and other cities are the pioneers of the revolution.” Not only in his speech, but also in his practical manner, Imam Khomeini has adjudged women as the leaders of the revolution. b( Women’s promoting people toward the Islamic Revolution Imam Khomeini frequently used to utter: “women encouraged men; our nation is indebted to our brave women’s courage.” In so many cases, Imam Khomeini has introduced women as invigorating and vitalizing men in critical arenas of the revolution. In the Iranian pre-revolutionary society, due to the dominance of alien culture and as result of forming a specific social class, women were deprived of every kind of political movement or activity. Before the revolution, the society dealt with the status of women on the basis of two viewpoints; 1( a viewpoint according to which woman was viewed as a beautiful enchanting and charming factor used for the entertainment of the capricious immoral men. 2( a viewpoint which considered woman as a weak ivy tolerating no strength or duress and consequently good for no important undertaking. Simultaneous with the Islamic Revolution, Iranian woman did break the cage of unchastity and degeneracy and accompanying men, did resist against imperialism. Playing an Effective Role in the Victory Iran’s Islamic Revolution enjoys some unique and irreplaceable features and characteristics that distinguish it from world’s other revolutions, one of which is the role of women. Mortaza Motahari, on the Islamic Republic, Qom, Sedar, 1374
Upon the first signs of the revolution whose bases had been revealed in demonstrations and public parades, Iranian women overcame the dam of profligacy and entered the realm of science and work and consequently vanquished the colonialist policies which had already ignored her. During the Islamic Revolution, women have always been regarded as the powerful arms and the prime mover of revolutionary actions and their roles have been highly valued, as Imam Khomeini uttered: “In this movement, women played a more active role than men did.” Sahifeh Noor, Vol.5, p.153. Post-revolutionary Women Another specific merit of the Islamic Revolution is that women’s presence was not confined to demonstrations and struggles. Women, however, played a very active role in furthering the goals of the revolution. After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Iranian women, like men, participated in country’s all affairs. In fact, Imam Khomeini, the great leader of the Islamic Revolution reflected truly on the status of women in the advancement of the society and its Islamic revolutionary growth. This is true and actually demands the continuous efforts of Muslim Iranian women so that they do not yield to western-led temptations that consider women as a tool for enhancing their destructive and ruinous goals. The supreme leader of the Islamic Revolution has always emphasized the role of women in social and political goals of the Islamic Revolution. Woman in the Constitution The constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran has paid a special attention to women’s rights and providing facilities for participating in social activities as well as their equality before law the same as men. In the section 14 of the third principle of the constitution, it has been stated that: ‘providing all-inclusive rights of men and women and providing juridical security for all as well as the equality of all before law’ are of the general obligations of the Islamic government. It has been stated in the principle 21 that: ‘the government is obliged to guarantee all rights of women on the basis of Islamic scales.’ According to this principle, the government has to do the following affairs: 1- Providing the sound basis for the development of growth of women’s characteristics as well as reviving their financial and spiritual rights. 2- Protecting and supporting women especially during pregnancy, and the guardianship of orphans. 3- Providing a fair court to protect the basis of family. 4- Providing a special insurance supporting elderly woman. 5- Allocating the guardianship of children to complete mothers in case of the absence of a legal guardian. In this sense, women of the society who had been suffering from lots of social damages and were deprived of their Islamic and human rights were provided with pure Islamic support and ease. The constitution firstly emphasizes on the maternal role of women in family as their first primitive role and secondly considers women’s business in cultural, social, economic and administrative roles as the pre-requisites of the social justice and the society’s elevation. Women and Education The key factor of societies’ development in different ages of history as well as the progress and elevation of human beings have always been due to mental and spiritual education and pedagogy in scientific and professional grounds. Different societies in order to grow and develop in various aspects need to be equipped with science, and consequently all individuals in society including both men and women should be paid their deserved attention. As a result of the emphasis on the women’s pedagogy, they gradually demanded the improvement of their status and attaining some unfulfilled rights. After the revolution, lots of efforts were undertaken to improve the status of women, some of whom did accept the key responsibilities of society, through which the Iranian woman succeeded to reveal her abilities in society and it was found out that the issue of woman’s political activity from Islam’s viewpoint is not in contrast with renovating the contemporary Islamic thoughts and the needs of the Islamic society today cannot be removed without the active participation of women in met and development. The active participation of women in different realms and areas showed that Islam provides the best form of protecting women’s rights. As far as education is concerned, it should be stated that the status of women’s education has elevated up to a satisfactory position. The women’s deprivation from education dates back to a long time before, however, after the revolution, women and girls were provided with necessary facilities for literacy and education. Females’ education in preliminary and higher levels of education should receive a large amount of consideration. The result of various researches by social scientists shows that in recent years the enthusiasm and zest for higher education and success in scientific tests has considerably increased. The percentage of women’s literacy is in direct relation with countries’ social and economic interests. An illiterate nation, whose human capacities have not been developed, will always remain undeveloped. Some merits of women’s pedagogy include: 1- Women’s education does lead to the decrease of children’s mortality. 2- Women’s education will result in less problem in the period of pregnancy; educated women demand healthier children and they can go through their pregnancy with more ease. 3- Women’s education decreases the rate of mothers’ mortality. 4- Women’s education will lead to a higher understanding of protecting natural sources and the environment. Zan e Rooz Monthly, Vols. 1437-1438. Education and the educational system is the outcome of a society’s policies and strategies in teaching and training from the most preliminary to the highest levels of education.; consequently the first step in optimally utilizing all human forces and eliminating the problem of illiteracy is providing equal facilities and equipments for the education of the members of the society including both men and women. Women’s elevation and advancement in education is one of the most important improvements and fulfillments of the Islamic Revolution. Imam Khomeini not only did not consider woman as a puppet for seduction, but he also introduced woman as the origin of all virtues and happiness and he aimed to promote the society using the capacities of women. He thought of woman as a respectable and magnificent being on whom the happiness or misery of the society depends. A happy society, according to Imam Khomeini, is a society in which women are well-educated and trained in line with progress and development. Woman is not a secondary side-factor in society; but she is the central axis of the society. Imam Khomeini considered women as the origin and commencement of Iran’s revolutionary evolutions. On the basis of his particular beliefs, Imam Khomeini did broaden the horizon of women’s outlook and gave rise to the women’s movement towards perfection. Imam Khomeini’s ideas and beliefs had a very deep influence on women’s culture, ideology and way of thinking. Imam did teach them that Islam aims at preserving the women’s dignity. Consequently, women participated in social roles while observing Islamic dressing. They did not think of Islamic dressing as violating their rights and in contrast with their freedom. They actively participated in revolutionary movements and caused all to experts wonder and admiration. Woman in Imam Khomeini’s Ideology Upon the beginning of his movement in 1960, Imam Khomeini paid special attention to women and their significant roles in social changes. In his speeches in 1979, Imam Khomeini has put emphasis on some important issues dealing with women: 1(Rejecting the idea of thinking of women as stocks; Imam Khomeini stressed on the complementary role of woman in the society’s structure. Imam Khomeini believes that ‘like men, women as human beings can share a complementary role and cooperation in constructing the society. Neither women should degrade themselves nor should men think of them as humiliated. 2(Rejecting the obsolete fossilized way of thinking about women; stressing women’s dignity and respect, Imam Khomeini believed that: ‘Islam saved women from society’s fossilized way of thinking. Islam has served women much higher than men. Islam wants women to do as much fruitful activities as men do. Islam wants to preserve woman’s dignity and honor.’ 3(Stressing the role of women in forming the society; Imam Khomeini believed that: ‘women play a very substantial role in forming the society. Islam promotes woman to such a high degree that she can accept serious responsibilities and undertakings in the structure of the Islamic government.’ 4(Islam’s special attention to woman; In this part, Imam Khomeini elaborates on the positive approach of Islam towards woman and its significance in humane values. Imam Khomeini considers the presence of woman in country’s basic ordainments as compulsory. 5(Stressing on the educational role of woman; ‘woman is a human being; a great human being and the trainer of society. Men are brought up by women. Happiness and misery of a country depends on women.’ 6(Stressing the role of Islam in women’s guidance; Imam Khomeini believed that: ‘during the previous regime, women were suffering from much more agonies than they did in pre-Islam period. In both periods women were suffering and it was Islam that saved them.’ 7(Freedom in Selection; emphasizing the equality of men’s and women’s rights, Imam Khomeini laid strong stress on the legal freedom of women in all social aspects. In an interview with Al-Safir at the threshold of Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini stated that women should be free in selecting, being selected, thinking, educating as well as working in every kind of economic activity.’Therefore, Imam Khomeini rejected the wrong view and negative propaganda that Islam will isolate women, and his noble approach encouraged women to retrieve themselves and their standpoints. Imam Khomeini put strong emphasis on the key role of women before and after the revolution as an important strategy and consequently focused attention on cultural activities related to women. Qods Newspaper, “The Status of Woman”, Vol. 2003, p.12. Imam Khomeini’s Approach towards Woman’s Social Cooperation From Imam Khomeini’s speeches and writings' during the first two decades of the Islamic Revolution, it can be found out that he had a positive approach to women’s social and political collaboration. Since the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini has stressed the significant role of women as well as their vital cooperation during the holy defense. In one of his speeches on women’s freedom, Imam Khomeini has enunciated that: “Women are free in the Islamic society. They are not prevented from attending universities or administrations or the parliaments. What is forbidden is ethical immorality against which men and women are equal and which is prohibited for both of them.” Imam Khomeini’s ideas and viewpoints which is expressed during and after the establishment of the Islamic Republic system on the women’s cooperation is a milestone and turning point in the topics related to this important issue. According to Imam Khomeini: ‘as far as human rights are concerned, there is no difference between man and woman in that both are human beings and woman, like man, has the right to determine her fate. In some cases there are differences between men and women and it is related to their human prestige and status.’ Rah e Imam az Kalam e Imam, Zan, Ministry of Islamic Guidance, p.11. Imam Khomeini also emphasizes that: ‘woman should possess rights equal to those of man. Islam has stressed the equality of men’s and women’s rights in determining their fates. This means that they both should enjoy all kinds of freedom. They should be free in selecting, being selected, thinking, educating as well as working in every kind of economic activity.’Imam Khomeini frequently encouraged women to participate in elections; “What I feel necessary to notify is the participation of brave revolutionary women in the referendum. Women who, beside men and even more than men, had a vital role in the Islamic revolution should notice that in their voting for the Islamic Republic today are playing their roles in constructing the country and this is the meaning of free women and free men.” For more info. Refer to ‘woman from Imam Khomeini’s viewpoints’. In another speech, Imam Khomeini says: ‘There are different rules and principles related to men and women. Some orders are specific to men, and some orders are specific to women. This does not mean that Islam has differentiated between men and women.” P.149. As far as social activities are concerned, women should participate in the country’s substantial affairs. This does not mean that women should isolate themselves in their houses. It should be reminded that presenting the issue of women’s juridical obligation to participate in the procedures of the Islamic Revolution illuminated one of the most essential social concerns, i.e. public and private milieus. In his will, Imam Khomeini addressed women and called them to participate in cultural and economic as well as military arenas for fulfilling Islam and the holy Qur'an’s goals. The supreme leader of the Islamic Revolution, on different occasions, has emphasized the women’s participation and cooperation in social and political aspects. Zan Annually )Tehran; the presidential office of women’s affairs(. “Islam desires woman to get the highest levels of mental, political and scientific growth….we, on the basis of the supreme teachings of Islam, believe that in each human society, women are obliged to do their bests for the social and political growth and they should accept responsibilities and prepare the required opportunities.” Zan e Rooz, Vols. 1437 & 1438. As it can be found out, Imam Khomeini considers women’s social participation quite legal if it is in line with Islamic rules and standards. Moreover, he has considered women’s political participation as mandatory: “woman should participate in Islamic ordainments. As you used to play an active role in social movements, you should maintain your collaboration and provide your share in the victory and do not forget that whenever needed, you should rise and demonstrate.” In general, from Imam Khomeini’s speeches and lectures it can be found out that he regarded women’s education, participation in political affairs, business and economic activities quite legal and according to Islam’s emphasis and viewpoint. During the Islamic Revolution, Iranian women revealed that the Iranian Muslim women do participate in all social and political arenas and their religious beliefs do not prevent them from collaborating in social activities. They proved that while observing their modesty and chastity, they can change the history.
References: Tehran –e-Emrooz Newspaper, Aa’zam Bahrami Tatmaj, “Women’s Role in the Islamic Revolution” Fatemeh Mo’meni, “Women in the Contemporary History” OK | ||
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