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All to Peace and Well-being
Abozar Ebrahimi Torkaman, the Head of Islamic Culture and Relations Organization (ICRO), holds a Ph.D. in private law, he has many works in different fields such as: The Story of Three Cities, (On Cities and Islamic Celebrated people in Great Khorasan), The Story of Scientists , Russian Federation Rules and Formalities of Russian People, Walking with Tolstoy’s Shoes, Political Parties in Contemporary Russia, Islam and Muslims in Russia, etc. He has published more than hundred scientific articles in Persian, English, Russian, Turkmen and Turkish in Iranian and International journals. Recently we arranged an interview with Dr. Ebrahimi.
Q. These days many Muslim countries face a huge challenge, i.e. the extremist groups and Takfiri movements. What these groups, with Islamic prefix, do has scratched the reputation of Muslims and Islam itself. How much cultural and media activities can pacify the tense atmosphere and help to converge nations? A. Formation of extremist and Takfiri groups generally is the result of activities of think tanks in some Muslim countries and Western intelligent agencies. However, both Western and regional media facilities are used to exaggerate and underpin activities of such extremist groups. But fortunately the public opinion, especially in the Muslim world, recognizes the nature of such groups very well and the mentioned groups have failed to find a position in the public opinion. However, what is important is that people, both Muslims and non-Muslims, need to be informed on the covert hands that fabricate and support such groups. Extremists have become a tool firstly, for scratching Islam’s face; secondly for splitting Muslims, enfeebling the Muslim Ummah and preventing them from movement in development as well as scientific, social and cultural advance pathway; and thirdly, for guaranteeing a margin of safety for the Quds usurper regime. Informing people is a good way to thwart the mysterious and splitting plots and conspiracies. Naturally, media plays the most important role in informing people and enhancing their awareness. However, Western media networks have always been in parallel with the thank tanks that have plotted the extremist groups. The status quo maximizes the responsibility of conscientious social, scientific and cultural characters as well as the independent media.
Q. What plans Islamic Culture and Relations Organization (ICRO) has designed to make religions nearer and to bring a peaceful coexistence in the current tense world? A. First of all, let me make it clear that an objective and scientific study on both cultural and religious similarities and differences of followers of different religions is necessary for promoting the culture of peaceful coexistence among followers of various religions across the world; because the knowledge resulted from studies and researches can illuminate the pathway towards interaction and coordination and remove confrontation and alienation. In fact, using a comparative approach to analyze various religions and cultures will help us to recognize the kinship among cultures, apparently unfamiliar to each other. The kinship of Abrahamic religions can be seen under the comparative method and it will be a good way to follow a peaceful living among the followers of different religions. We believe that recognizing opinions and ideas of different religions would be very helpful in bringing about the mutual reverence and also would be resulted in convergence and interaction and will play a key role in confronting the world’s current tensions. Therefore, ICRO has founded Center for Interreligious Dialogue and Civilization since its own establishment for identifying and promoting religious and cultural interactions among religions and civilizations across the world. It not only makes a direct relation with the high-ranking characters of religions and denominations as well as religious scholars, but also takes necessary strides to unify and solidify followers of different religions. Taking advantage of capacities of religious leaders and activists, it has succeeded to promote the peaceful coexistence culture among the followers of various religions. Most cultural leaders and characters who have participated in international and regional dialogues and meetings held by Center for Interreligious Dialogue and Civilization have emphasized the fact that Islamic Republic of Iran is a successful model of peaceful coexistence between followers of different religions. ICRO’s Center for Interreligious Dialogue and Civilization has talked to Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue for 8 rounds, Austria St. Gabriel Institute for 5 rounds and Philippine’s Cathedral for five rounds. Likewise, it has held 8 rounds of conversations with the international council of churches and the ninth round of conversations with the Russian Orthodox Church was held several months ago and the fifth round of conversations with the Greece Orthodox Church has taken place recently. Different conversations and dialogues have been arranged with Anglican Protestant Church, Biblical Protestant Church and even the U.S. Jews Societies, Buddhist and Shintoist scholars and leaders. Moreover, some conversations with religious minorities such as Armenians, Zoroastrians and Assyrians have been arranged. ICRO’s Center for Interreligious Dialogue and Civilization experienced some developments in the current year, it started to cover regions where less conversations have taken place already including Africa, Latin America and less popular religions and cultures such as Buddhism and Shintoism. The organization has condemned unfortunate events such as burning Qur’an and insulting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), destruction of mosques and churches, unfortunate events of Myanmar and crimes committed by Boko Haram. It tries to use capacities of the religious leaders who are active in religious dialogue: Catholic outstanding characters, Churches International Council, Religious Conference for Peace, Leader of Assyrians, Caliph of Armenians, Rabbi of Jews, leader of Russia’s Orthodox Church, Leader of Armenian Church in Antelias region, kingpins of Buddhism in Thailand and Sri Lanka. Such conversations have always convinced leaders of different faiths to look to Shiism and Islam with respect and Muslims have found better condition in countries to which conversations have been made. Q. Since mothers play a key role in training children, please explain about their roles in the following areas; making societies free from violence, social growth of societies, offering a proper understanding of religion. A) Islam has proposed the richest tenets and literature about role of woman in society, and especially her role in the family. Role of parents, especially mothers, in moral training of children and fostering their talents is unique. Islam has always invited mothers and fathers to train righteous and healthy and talented children, Family, schools and society are three main entities introduced for training children. Family must be considered as the first and most effective entity. Mothers play pivotal roles in educating and training children in the family. The violent behavior of people partly is due to unrest and inflamed environment of family. While if mothers bring about a calm and satisfied environment full of kindness in home, monitor behavior of the children and remind them their misbehavior and direct them towards bliss, naturally their children will be useful people for the society. For women and mothers’ role in the societies, Imam Khomeini (RA), Founder of Islamic Revolution of Iran, says, “Nations’ imperatives are controlled by women; because it is mothers who train the great men of the human society; hence life in the world is the result of women’s spirit.” Our age is known as the globalization age because of the changing lifestyles and emerging tools and communicative technology. Role of mothers has become more complicated in this age. Mothers need to keep a balance between international and regional identities of the children; it helps them to keep an independent and vigor identity towards the world and also to continue an effective interaction with their globe. Mothers need to influence the identity and character of their children and hence the society. To prepare this definition, a special attention focusing on the religious identity of mothers and its ignored functions in the modern human society is necessary. Our age is the age of religion resurrection. Religion is the sole identity-based factor which forms the most focal features of human and at the same time is the most universal part of the identity which connects a man to millions of his counterparts scattered in various geographical locations. A faithful mother is able to train children who are immune and active in both the most local and universal identities. There has been always a close and serious relationship between motherhood role and religious identity of women. A Christian cannot separate identity and ideas of Holy Christ from her mother, Holy Maryam (SA). Asiya’s piety and her resistance against Taghut can be seen across different aspects and dimensions of Moses’ (AS) mission. It is the case in Islam. Understanding the concept of motherhood without recognizing Hazrat Khadija’s (SA) munificence and sanctity of Hazrat Fatima (SA) and her cultural, social and political roles is unimaginable. Today, we see that educational systems, media, international entities, etc. refer to providing a happy and healthy life for women as their first priority and emphasize the key role of women in settling disputes. Removing gender discrimination is followed as an important goal by international organizations and NGOs. It is necessary to consider that although increasing social and political participation of women can encourage development, the dwindled presence of women in family, the minimized relation between mother and their children, individualization of mothers and its consequences are other side of the coin, and ignoring these vital aspects by pro-women movements will undoubtedly result in formation of new problems in societies. Repeatedly participation of men and enhancing their information on respecting women’s rights and avoiding violation against women have been emphasized in the international documents. However, the main ring of this discourse is mothers who are able to train such men. Q. How certain magazines such as Mahjubah and Al-Tahirah can play a more effective role in pacifying societies and bringing peace and friendship among people with different religions and nationalities? A) Magazines like Mahjubah and Al-Tahirah are important in terms of several aspects. First of all, their initial audiences are women. Women play effective roles in family. Women are able to promote their lessons in the family easier and faster. Therefore, families are audiences of such magazines through women. Regarding their background, people trust them and they are acknowledged by the scholars of the Muslim world. Readers are familiar with the constructive and effective approach of these magazines for many years and trust them. Readers take advantage of their informative religious and social materials and gain their news and analyses on important issues of Islam through such magazines.
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