Renewal of Hopes | ||||
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Springtime is certainly a time of renewal of hopes and revival of the manifestations of life. With the flowers out, the smiling sunshine and refreshing breeze, each of us can feel lively enough to plan for a new year, a better year in fact, both in terms of worldly matters and spiritual ones. As we all know, today’s world is witnessing lots of maladies, plights and human sufferings which may darken the horizon of hope for some. But, for those who truly believe in God and in His Messengers (AS), there is endless hope, since they know God – The Most Gracious has presented the best directions and solutions in His last Book – the Holy Qur’an and so they see guidance in that Divine treasure as Imam Ali (AS) has advised his followers, “Solve your problems with the help of the Holy Qur’an.” In another Hadith, the Holy Qur’an has been regarded as ‘the spring of hearts”. So let’s revive our hearts with that celestial spring and also share that reviving blessing with the others. Never forget that God is the most kind and desires the best for all. That is why he has sent Messengers (AS) to take us out of the darkness and ignorance and lead us into the blissful path of salvation and eternal Paradise.
Mohammad Assadi Movahed | ||||
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