Emancipation of Women | ||
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E arly history of Islam bears testimony to the fact that female members of the Prophet’s Household (Ahl ul-Bait) actively assisted the Holy Messenger (PBUH) in his divine mission. In times of distress – this was the longest period in the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) – women stood like rocks and even spent enormous wealth in spite of the chilling confinement in Shabe-Abu-Talib. The name of Hazrat Khadija (SA) inspires us even today as she emerges as the second important benefactor of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Her devotion was sincere and her commitment was supreme. According to Bukhari she was the first person to not only testify to the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad but also to provide emotional support for the Prophet (PBUH). Her services towards the growth of Islam were so significant that the year in which she died was termed by the Prophet (PBUH) as Aam-ul-Huzn, the year of ‘painful loss’.
The lesson that one learns, after reading the Holy Qur’an and considering the stages of the spread of Islam, is that in order to cause revolutionary changes in society, women cannot be ignored at all. The fact that one entire chapter in the Holy Qur’an, An-Nisa, is dedicated to women shows the importance of this issue. Similarly, I am amazed while going through the various verses of the Divine Revelation, at the meticulous details and in-depth study of the rights and obligations of males as well as females and also of such issues as preservation of family and the steps that ought to be taken in order to initiate the process of emancipation of male and female members of society. Another significant point which is worth considering by the leaders of public opinion today is the elements of awakening and courage which were brought about by the message of Muhammad (PBUH) in the tribal society of Arabia. The silent suffering section of that society was motivated to such an extent that it came forward to register a protest against the prevailing iniquitous social order of the time. This was indeed one of the purposes of revelation i.e., restoration of human-dignity and the perception of the scope of human rights. It was possible for Allah to have revealed the entire Book at one time but the purpose of extending the revelation period to twenty three years apparently was to establish the significance of the Sirah as a possible model and to inspire people to adjust their lifestyle and thinking process with the spirit of Islam. The result was evident as new converts started responding to the revolutionary message. We should bear in mind that God selected Virgin Mary (SA), from among the women of the world because during her youth, she opted for the path prescribed by her Creator and became a true servant of God instead of leading a life of indifference. She acquired such an exalted status that her name has been mentioned in the Holy Scriptures with reverence and she is presented as a model servant of God. Imam Khomeini, a keen student of the Holy Qur’an, had clearly stated that without conscious participation of Iranian women the Islamic Revolution would not have succeeded. Another important point was that in the event of the triumph of the Revolution, the benefits must reach the “weaker” gender so that a new generation of freedom-loving people would appear on the national stage to consolidate the gains which were made as a result of the social change. Imam Khomeini therefore lost no opportunity to speak directly to women. He made a worthy contribution by educating women and encouraging them to be properly active. By so doing, he gave a message to the male population as well to not create obstacles on the way of women while participating in their affairs. Women have equal rights and must get necessary opportunities to develop the inner potentials latent in the human personality. With this background, I find out that the statements issued by Imam Khomeini about the female sections of society have gone a long way to assist Iranian women in winning an honorable status in society. The wholehearted participation of women in the movement guaranteed the success of the Islamic Revolution. Their role has been duly acknowledged by Imam. As a token of appreciation of the services rendered by Iranian women, excerpts from the various sermons of the Imam pertaining to women are reproduced below, which have an educational value as well. “The Revolution succeeded because of women. It was the women who formed our vanguard and gave courage and bravery to the men. As you have seen, you have succeeded against big powers through complete unity. May God bless the fearless women of Iran because they have revived Islam. Before the advent of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula, women had lost their status and identity. Islam gave them their due and gave them rights equal to those of men. The teachings of the Holy Qur’an build the personality of man, and so do women. Without them, the nation would break up. Islamic laws seek to protect and promote the rights of men and women in equal measure. “Women must take part in affairs of state. They played a pivotal role in the Islamic movement and Revolution. They must continue now to work for its success. They must not forget that they will be required to play a continuing role for the promotion of the Islamic movement. This country belongs to women and they should help in its development. “In the early years of Islam, women took part in war shoulder to shoulder with men. We have seen that women have been the vanguard in battles and they have not hesitated to sacrifice their children, and they have been steadfast in their struggle. “We want the highest status for women. We want women to be masters of their own destiny. The Shah’s government wanted to make our brave women shameless. But God does not want that women should be regarded as a purchasable commodity. Islam has given women the right to play their due role in all stages of life like men. Men alone cannot set matters right in Iran. Men and Women should have to work together to rehabilitate the country.” There is another important issue. When women want to marry, they can determine their own rights which should not be against the Shari’a or their own individuality. For instance, a woman can set it out in writing that if her husband turns out to be immoral and maltreats her, she would have the right to seek divorce. Islam has given women their rights and if there is a limit to the rights of men and women, it, too, is for their own good. Islam allows a man the right to divorce his wife. Similarly, a woman is empowered to set down conditions at the time of contracting a marriage that if her husband maltreats her, she would have the right to seek divorce. And a man cannot violate this precondition. Islam forbids a man from maltreating his wife. And if he does so, he is liable to be punished under the Shari’a. And if he persists even after that, a religious scholar can secure a divorce for her. It is more important for a child to emulate his mother rather than anyone else. Therefore, women have a great responsibility to shoulder. Children are innocent and impressionable. If they are reared well, they grow up to be righteous and pious. And if they are put on the wrong trail, they will go astray. My submission is that children are an asset for the future. They must be brought up with the greatest care. They must be taught to do good and to serve the ailing humanity. If a child is brought up well he may lead the nation to good luck when he grows up. Fallen on evil ways, a single child can lead several generations to disaster Don’t overlook a child’s shortcomings because sometimes a single child can pollute a whole society. Iran’s historic Revolution owes its success to women who were its architects besides men. If men were at war, they supported them materially and intellectually. Then they played a pivotal role in training children and young people to lead pious lives. Children are taught the Islamic way of life at home. Women are more sensitive than men. From the mother’s lap, a child learns to love and to be generous. These are the sentiments which give added courage to men. When the women show will- power, men fight the enemies of Islam dauntlessly. The Islamic Revolution has acquired its luster from the struggle, self-sacrifice and piety of women. This glorious Revolution has put the fear of God into the hearts of all dictators of the world. That is why they have tried to subvert our women’s character, but they have failed to do so. Today we have seen the advantages of the corporate benefits of our women’s unity. They have given a new life to Islamic concepts. They are playing a positive role in all stages of life. The good conduct and training which they provide have given birth to a social spring. They have sent their youth to the battlefield and have been proud of their martyrdom. Their dear ones have scarified their lives so that Allah’s will should prevail. And yet, they request that their other sons should also be sent out to fight the enemy. All this is due to their faith. The chapter of our nation’s sacrifices is certainly unique. The enemies of Islam have always wanted to drive our women to moral bankruptcy. We have been able to achieve success by the grace of God. Therefore, I appeal to our respected women to continue to follow the life-giving principles of Islam. It is because of their endeavors that men fight on the battlefield and strive for economic development. Strive and, God willing, success shall be yours.Women are responsible for training their children. They are responsible for making their children pious before turning them over to society. All of us are bound to teach the tenets of Islam to our children. The mother’s lap is the best school for a child. Women must, therefore, be careful in everything they do. Bringing up children is more important than anything else. If a woman delivers a good child to society, she serves the whole world. If a woman trains a child into becoming a real human being, she attains a status of piety and respect which I cannot describe. Therefore, the best thing a woman can do is to bring up her children well. The endurance and sacrifices of these exalted women during the Iraq-Iran imposed war were so astonishing that the words and pens fail to express in full the sentiments behind that. I have seen mothers, sisters and wives who lost their beloved in a manner which I cannot forget. The greatness of their reaction, the human value and divine blessings cannot be expressed by any writer, poet, speaker, painter, sufi or faqih. The sentiments and the sacrifices cannot be evaluated in terms of known material criteria. I offer greetings and pray to Allah to bestow His grace on self-sacrificing women. | ||
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