The True Identity of Woman | ||
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The True Identity of Woman
The esteemed leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei has always been a great defender of human rights and particularlyof women’s rights. He stresses that women everywhere should be protected against the various plots of the profiteering evilminded individuals and groups. In the previous issue we read: In the West unprincipled relationship between men and women is a common thing. Lack of a distance between men and women is common in social interactions. I am not saying that in western countries all men and women are morally corrupt. No, I am notmaking such a claim. I would not make such an accusation. The claim that all men and women are morally corrupt in the West is actually wrong. There are definitely good and noble men and women among westerners, but sexual liberty dominates western societies. Sexual liberty is a cultural norm in the West. In western culture sexual liberty is permissible and unconditional. Now you can read the rest of the chapter 4: Women in Western World and Materialistic Civilizations.
Women Trafficking According to a report published by the UN, women trafficking are among the trades that are growing fastest in the world. There are a few countries which are worst in this regard and the Zionist regime is among them. Under the guise of labor, marriage and other such things, they gather women and girls from poor countries in Latin America, certain Asian countries and certain poor European countries and they deliver them to certain centers, centers whose names and activities are shocking.
Western women have to use their sexual appeal in order to build a personality for themselves Regarding women’s position in society - or whatever you call it _ the problem is that they havegradually created an imparity: one side of the imparity is the recipients and the other side is the givers. They have divided humanity into these two categories. Men are the recipients and women are the givers. This has been gradually established in western societies over several decades using different methods and propaganda techniques. Maybe the process took 100-150 years; I cannot give you an accurate number. This is an issue that deserves to be researched. Later on, the problem spread to other societies as well. They defined women as the creatures who should benefit men and they promoted this definition. Therefore, if a woman is determined to distinguish herself in western societies, she has no choice but to present part of her sexual attractions. Even in formal meetings women should dress in a way that they appear pleasing to their beneficiaries - namely, men.
European countries ban hijab and fail to respect democracy and public opinion They are lying. They have no respect whatsoever for democracy,freedom and public opinion.Banning ijab in schools in certain European countries is a case in point. They do not allow school girls to wear headscarves to school.
Ownership rights for women because of the need for cheap labor Ladies, especially young ladies who want to reflect on these issues, should pay careful attention to this point. The important point is that even when they decided to give ownership rights to women in Europe, according to the careful analysis of European sociologists, it was because the factories that had just started using modern technologies and industrial facilities were in need of laborers, but there was a shortage of laborers. There was a serious need in Europe for a large number of laborers. Therefore, in order to encourage women to work at the factories and provide cheap labor, it was announced that women could have ownership rights. It was in the early 20th century that Europeans decided to give ownership rights to women. This is the wrong and oppressive attitude that the West and Europe have had towards women.
Taking advantage of women in order to further personal goals In order to shape women into the kind of creatures they want, westerners need to constantly promote fashion, thereby keeping eyes, hearts and minds busy with superficial and insignificant things. Will a person who is busy with such things make time for genuine values? Those who eliminated the boundary between men and women, those who promoted sexual freedom with their actions, words, propaganda and even their philosophy must be held responsible. The result was that - considering men’s aggressive nature and their physical strength - women were oppressed and their rights were violated. Women were used as a tool for selling their products - just like an object. If you pay attention to European magazines, you will see that they show the nude body of a woman just to sell a particular product. Is it really possible to do something that is more insulting to a woman than this? They must be held responsible for this.
Imposing lack of hijab on women in order to insult and dishonor them This is their propaganda campaign about the issue of women. And they speak about women’s rights and complain that we have imposed hijab on women. They themselves impose lack of hijab on women. They prevent female students from going to university just because they wear a headscarf. Yet they condemn us for having made hijab obligatory. What we do is an attempt to preserve women’s dignity, but what they do is an attempt to dishonor women. There are other such things which are the result of western propaganda campaigns.
Encouraging women to wear makeup in the name of freedom is freedom for men, not for women Wrong western education caused our women during the time of Taghut to develop a tendency towards cosmetics, luxury, pointless ornaments and putting themselves on display, which is a sign of male chauvinism. One of the signs of western male chauvinism is that they want women to be at the service of men. Therefore, they say that women should wear makeup so that men can enjoy their beauty. This is male chauvinism, not women’s freedom. This is in fact men’s freedom. They encourage women to abandon hijab, wear makeup and show themselves to men so that they can feast their eyes on their beauty. What corrupt western culture has promoted in the world in the name of women’s freedom is based on putting women on display so that men can exploit them sexually, so that men can use women as a tool to indulge in pleasure. Is this freedom for women? In the ignorant, unaware and misguided western world, those who claim to support human rights are in fact oppressing women ... The oppression that women have suffered in western culture and the wrong view of women that exists in western cultural and literary works has been unprecedented in the entire history of mankind. Women used to be oppressed in the past as well, but this widespread and comprehensive oppression is particular to the contemporary era and it is the result of western civilization. They introduced women as an object of pleasure for men and they called this “women’s freedom”. This was while they were in fact giving morally corrupt men the freedom to exploit women. Women have been oppressed not just in the arena of industrial activities and other such things, but in the arena of art and literature as well. Notice how women are viewed today in stories, novels,paintings and different other artistic works.
Women’s presence in diplomatic arenas cannot make up for their humiliation In western culture and in the western world, women have been dragged into moral corruption. They have been humiliated.They have been insulted. Letting men and women sit down together at the table of diplomacy and work shoulder to shoulder in the diplomatic arena cannot compensate for the harm that westerners have done to women.They have used women as an object of pleasure.
The need to protest against the western view and the oppressive western inequation It is necessary to define the position of women and to stand up against the propaganda campaign of the West in a serious way ... It is the West that is oppressing. It is the West that is humiliating women. It is the West that is undermining the position of women. Westerners pressure women psychologically and emotionally and they insult women’s personality and dignity in the name of freedom, employment and responsibility. They must answer for their actions.The Islamic Republic has a responsibility in this regard.The Islamic Republic should openly clarify its position on the issue of women without standing on ceremony. The position of the Islamic Republic is mainly a protest against the western view and the oppressive western imparity. From this perspective the issue of hijab and the issue of man-woman relationship become meaningful.
Adopting an aggressive position in the face of international bullies Another point is having aggressive spirit in the face of international bullies. Sometimes international bullies say, “You have done something and we will deal with it”, but other times they adopt an aggressive position and try to bully others. In such situations attacking is the best kind of defense. Global bullies suffer from many weaknesses ..., yet they announce and express their weaknesses in an aggressive way, as if their weaknesses are the world’s fault..... We expect an explanation regarding the issue of women. We expect an explanation regarding the issue of human rights. We expect an explanation regarding basic human rights. We expect explanations from the West in all these areas. We are not the ones who should answer to them. Why would they ask questions and expect answers? They have no right whatsoever to ask questions and expect explanations. The position of our current administration is a good position. It is a revolutionary position. This spirit is what clarifies the truth and makes it shine. If we try to find out which one of our actions attracts the disapproval of foreigners and try to avoid those actions, we will fail to do many things. The world does not approve of the beard you grow. Similarly, the world does not approve of the fact that you do not wear a tie. It does not approve of the fact that you are not prepared to use many of the dishes and drinks that are common in the world. The world does not approve of women’s hijab. Why do we need to pay attention to these things? Around 27 years ago, in a meeting with students which was held in this university, somebody asked me how I would defend my position on a particular issue. I said, “I am not supposed to defend. I am supposed to attack.” Our position is not defensive. Regarding women’s rights and various other issues, we have to adopt an attacking position. The world has to answer to us. In this case it is the materialists who are heading in the wrong direction. They themselves are starting to realize this fact. They are gradually starting to admit that they have been wrong. They are starting to admit the evil consequences of their actions. They are starting to understand this one by one. They are gradually announcing this, and some of them turn a blind eye to their mistakes. Why would we feel ashamed when they say something bad about us? expect an explanation regarding the issue of human rights. We expect an explanatio n regarding basic human rights. We expect explanations from the West in all these areas. We are not the ones who should answer to them. Why would they ask questions and expect answers? They have no right whatsoever to ask questions and expect explanations. The position of our current administration is a good position. It is a revolutionary position. This spirit is what clarifies the truth and makes it shine. If we try to find out which one of our actions attracts the disapproval of foreigners and try to avoid those actions, we will fail to do many things. The world does not approve of the beard you grow. Similarly, the world does not approve of the fact that you do not wear a tie. It does not approve of the fact that you are not prepared to use many of the dishes and drinks that are common in the world. The world does not approve of women’s hijab. Why do we need to pay attention to these things? Around 27 years ago, in a meeting with students which was held in this university, somebody asked me how I would defend my position on a particular issue. I said, “I am not supposed to defend. I am supposed to attack.” Our position is not defensive. Regarding women’s rights and various other issues, we have to adopt an attacking position. The world has to answer to us. In this case it is the materialists who are heading in the wrong direction. They themselves are starting to realize this fact. They are gradually starting to admit that they have been wrong. They are starting to admit the evil consequences of their actions. They are starting to understand this one by one. They are gradually announcing this, and some of them turn a blind eye to their mistakes. Why would we feel ashamed when they say something bad about us? The West must be held responsible for oppressing and humiliating women We expect an explanation from the western world for humiliating women so much. Notice that in Europe and in western countries, until recently women did not enjoy independent financial rights. Once I extracted the exact figures and discussed them in a speech - I think it was during Friday prayer sermons four, five years ago. As for the issue of women’s rights, I have told you dear sisters, you dear young students, you dear female students many times and I firmly repeat now that as far as the issue of women is concerned, it is the West that must answer for its actions. It is the West, not Islam or the Islamic Republic that must be held responsible. The western world has
betrayed humanity in general and women in particular We expect an explanation from the world. When I say “the world”, I mean “the western world”. We are the ones who should tell the world, “You have betrayed humanity in general and women in particular by dragging men and women into the arena of sexual issues, by fanning the flames of unprincipled and unrestricted sexual greed, by encouraging women to put themselves on display.
The need to change our view of women and to consider them as highly virtuous human beings Consider women as highly virtuous human beings so that the essence of their perfection, rights and freedom becomes clear. Women can act as a potential driving force behind the improvement of any society by raising virtuous children: this is how you should consider women. Then it will become clear what their rights are and what the nature of their freedom is. Consider women as the essential element of the family. Although it takes a man and a woman to form a family and although both men and women play a role in the existence of the family, peace and tranquility in the home environment depends on women and their womanly nature. Consider women from this perspective so that it becomes clear how they can achieve perfection and what their rights are. To be continued . | ||
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