The Great Sage | ||
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The Great Sage
Ayatollah Khamenei: “This Revolution is nowhere in the world known without the name of Imam Khomeini (RA).” On the eve of the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, we present our heartfelt salutations and homage to the late leader - Imam Khomeini (RA), the true man of God, the reviver of Islam and human dignity in not only Iran but also in the whole world. We pray to God to exalt his pure soul and help all of us be his faithful followers just as he himself was a faithful follower of Allah’s Messenger (PBUH). In fact Imam Khomeini (RA) gave new life to the weakened morale of the world oppressed peoples. He taught them that they have the right and in fact the duty of standing up against the oppressive and the corrupt rulers no matter how heavy-handed, armed-to-the-teeth those rulers might seem. Imam Khomeini (RA), being from the blessed progeny of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Imam Ali (AS), had true and unwavering faith in God's words, teachings and promises. So, he never hesitated to oppose the tyrant of his time for the latter’s treacherous actions and corrupt measures. Not even a single moment of his blessed life was spent in pursuit of selfish interests or worldly welfare. He proved to all that like his exalted Imam - the Master of Martyrs - Imam Hussein(AS), he was quite ready and willing to sacrifice his life and the lives of his family for defending Allah’s cause; for protecting Divine values and speaking for the oppressed people against the brutal agents of the mercenary puppet regimes. He was arrested, jailed and later exiled for several years but his efforts in the way of God and His Messengers (AS) were ceaseless. This way, he also taught all that being a man of God should never be taken to mean indifference to the social and political conditions. Likewise, the Imam (RA) revealed to the world of humanity the fact that spiritual religious leaders are duty-bound to stand up against the bullies, the plunderers, the torturers and the murderers and to inform the peoples of their rights and duties in this regard. This was exactly what the hirelings of colonialists had propagated for years; the separation of religion from politics. That really steadfast man of God, that true religious authority - Imam Khomeini (RA) declared that none of Allah’s Messengers (AS), nor their rightful successors have regarded religion as separable from the political and social affairs of their respective eras and that all of them have struggled against any tyranny and/or corrupt behavior they witnessed with all their means and power. Another very significant teaching of Imam Khomeini (RA) has been his emphasis on the necessity of the unity of the Islamic ummah. In this connection, the Imam would repeatedly state that, “Those who create discord between the Shiite Muslims and the Sunni Muslims are themselves neither Shi’a, nor Sunni.” This illuminating remark clearly shows that Imam Khomeini (RA) well knew that it is the enemies of Islam and of the Muslims who have invariably been engaged in dividing Muslims, as per their ominous policy of ‘Divide and Rule.’ And as we see today, this policy of the colonialist is being implemented today more seriously than before. The formation of Takfiri terrorist groups including: Al Qaeda, Daesh and their likes are obviously the result of such evil goals. Of course, by the grace of Allah – The Almighty world Muslims have known the satanic nature of these groups and started serious struggles against them. And here, it should be noted that Imam Khomeini (RA) as a divinely-guided leader was not just for Iran or for the world Muslims. Rather, that prominent man of God sympathized with all the oppressed peoples of the world and prayed for their Liberation. May Allah bless him and help his followers the world over. | ||
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