Prophet Muhammad (PBUH); the Model Instructor | ||||
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Prophet Muhammad (PBUH); the Model Instructor By: Abolfazl Roohi Translated by: Mina Salimi Undoubtedly, human beings, consciously or even unconsciously follow role models in their individual lives as well as in their social relations and contact with the others. These models, if good, can lead one towards well-being and exaltation, and of course, wrong models push one towards deviation and wrongdoing. For sure, all of us desire good and salvation, so it is best for us to look for the best models of behaviour. And really, is there a better role-model for a human being than the best of human beings – Allah’s last and most perfect Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? Certainly not. No one can rightfully claim to have found a better model. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has been the receiver and propagator of the Holy Qur’an, which contains all teaching needed by human beings: “He holds the keys to the Unseen; only He knows them! He knows whatever exists on land and at the sea; no leaf drops down unless He knows it, nor any seeds [lies] in the darkness of the earth, nor any tender [shoot] nor any withered [stalk] unless it is [written down] in a clear Book.” The Holy Qur’an; al-Anam, 59 Besides, in the Holy Qur’an, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has been introduced as a good role model: “ In God’s Messenger you have a fine model for someone who looks forward to [meeting] God and the Last Day, and mentions God frequently.” The Holy Qur’an; al-Ahzab, 21 "Anything from townsfolk which God has assigned to His messenger belongs to God and the Messenger, as well as near relatives, orphans, the needy and the wayfarer, so that in it will not be traded around merely among the rich men you have. Accept anything the Messenger may give you, and keep away from anything he withholds from you. Heed God [Along]: God is stern with punishment.” The Holy Qur’an; al-Hashr, 7 “…. obey God and obey the Messenger so you may find mercy!” The Holy Qur’an; al-i Imran In the above verse of the Holy Qur’an, we are obviously advised to be obedient to Allah and His Messenger (PBUH) in order to receive Allah’s Mercy. Likewise, the Holy Qur’an introduces Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) as the one whose teachings should be followed in connection with disputes and problems. In verse 59 of Chapter 4 of the Holy Qur’an we read; “You, who believe, obey God and obey His Messenger and those from among you who hold command. If you should quarrel over anything, refer it to God and the Messenger, if you believe in God and the Last Day; that will be better and finer in the long run.” The Holy Qur’an; al-Nisa, 59 So, those who neglect these Qur’anic advice will meet with remorse. Read this verse of the Holy Qur’an as a proof for this claim: “...a day when the wrongdoer will gnaw away at his hands. He will say: “It’s too bad for me! If I had only taken a pathway alongside the Messenger!” The Holy Qur’an; al-Furqan, 27 These are certainly all due to the fact that all the words and actions of Allah’s Messenger(PBUH) have been inspired by Allah and in perfect conformity with His Will: “We have sent messengers before you, some of whom We have told you about, while We have not told you about others. No messenger may bring any sign unless it is with God’s permission. Once God’s command comes, [matters] will be decided correctly, and that is where the quibblers will lose out!” The Holy Qur’an; al-Ghafir, 78 And to follow him is the safest way to salvation: “Say: ‘Obey God and obey the Messenger.’ If you should turn away, he is responsible only for what he has been commissioned with. If you obey him, you will be guided; the messenger has only announced things clearly.” The Holy Qur’an; al-Nur, 54 And so we can conclude that following the ways of those who are away from Allah’s Messenger’s guidance is void and useless: “You who believe, obey God and obey the Messenger and do not leave your actions useless.” The Holy Qur’an; Muhammad, 33 As we know, before Islam, the Arabs had been afflicted with improper thoughts, manners and superstitions. According to many historians before the Bi’that of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the people of Arabia had no unified harmonious culture and civilization and were entangled in wrong manners and attitudes, so much so that they would commit murder and many other heinous crimes recklessly, and also according to historians, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) brought a new religion with valuable rules and decrees, thereby correcting them, educating them and creating unity among them, making a civilized, strong and honourable nation, whereas in the jahiliyyah period, wrong conducts such as plundering and killing the others had become so common among the Arabs that in a poem an Arab poet of those days had said: “Our job is to attack, to kill and to plunder and if we find no one other than our brother to kill and plunder, we will kill and plunder our brother.” Such ugly attitude is said to have even become a fun for many Arabs before Islam. Also, rivalries over water resources and grazing lands often due to their backward culture ended in lots of bloodshed among them. So, the Holy Prophet of Islam has been greatly successful in changing that dark atmosphere into an illuminous one, through educating the people and communicating Allah’s commands to them, and this amazing success was not limited within Arabia, rather it's rays illuminated not only neighbour lands, but also faraway lands, since, as Allah has Himself declared in the Holy Qur’an, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is as Divine Mercy for the whole world. Now let's turn to certain moral and behavioral specifications of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which have certainly contributed towards the fulfillment of his Divine Mission: Kindness towards the believers and friends. In verse 29 of Chapter 48, we read; “Muhammad is God’s Messenger while those who are with him should be strict with disbelievers, merciful among themselves. You will see them bowing down, kneeling, craving bounty and approval from God. Their sign [shows] on their faces from the trace of bowing down on their knees [in worship]. Such is their description in the Torah, while their description in the Gospel is like a field crop, which puts forth its shoots so it swells up, till it grows thick enough to stand straight on its stalk in the way farmers admire, so that disbelievers are exasperated by them. God has promised forgiveness and a splendid fee to any of those who believe and perform honourable deeds.” And also in verse 128 of Chapter 9 we are informed: “A Messenger has come to you from among yourselves; he takes it seriously how you have come to grief, is anxious about you, compassionate, merciful towards believers.” The Holy Qur’an; al-Tawbah, 128 Likewise, in verse 6 of Chapter 18 we are told about the intense compassion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) thus: “Perhaps you will fret yourself to death checking up on them, worrying lest they will not believe this report.” The Holy Qur’an; al-Kahf, 6 The modesty and tenderness of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) towards the people have also been emphasized in the Holy Qur’an: “However since mercy from God does exist, you have been easy on them. If you had been harsh and cruel-hearted, they would have dispersed from around you. Pardon them, seek forgiveness for them, and consult with them on the matter. Yet once you have reached a decision, then rely on God; God loves those who are reliant.” The Holy Qur’an; al-i Imran, 159 “You have been [formed] with tremendous character…” The Holy Qur’an; al- Qalam, 4 | ||||
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