Undoubtedly, the Islamic Revolution of Iran is the most significant and the greatest political, social and cultural event of the present era. | ||||
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Islamic; REVOLUTION | ||||
Undoubtedly, the Islamic Revolution of Iran is the most significant and the greatest political, social and cultural event of the present era. This Revolution has brought about the most profound and most extensive cultural and socio-political developments in the life of the Iranian nation and being based on humane values and virtues, has called not only the other Muslim peoples, but also all the oppressed world nations to awakening and rising in the face of the world arrogant powers and their satanic puppets. The impressions made by the Islamic Revolution upon Islamic countries are undeniable facts. In fact, the Islamic Revolution has been practically exported to the whole world, and the waves of Islamic and human awareness are quite visible not only among the Muslim nations in the region, but also among all other world nations. Truly Imam Khomeini (ra) - the great leader of the Islamic Revolution, inspired by the lessons from Imam Hussein (AS) and his ‘Ashura uprising, stood up against the tyrant of his time most courageously, disclosed the true nature of the despotic rule, removed ignorance from the people’s minds, so the sun of Islam could shine upon Iran and through the light and implementation of Islam's reviving decrees and teachings, the Iranian nation would be revived and would move towards lofty values and salvation. The peak of the Muslim Iranian nation’s struggle under the Divinely-guided leadership of Imam Khomeini (ra) emerged in the month of Bahman in 1357 (1979), coinciding that year with the mourning days for the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS), the Master of Martyrs and so the people's revolutionary activities and rallies had become intertwined with their mourning for Imam Hussein (AS). In those fateful days, both in mourning gatherings and at revolutionary rallies and demonstrations, people repeatedly declared that: “Our movement is Husseini, our leader is Khomeini.” It was because then all the Iranian nation from all walks of life had understood that the Shah who pretended to be a Muslim was indeed no better than Yazid – the murderous tyrant of Imam Hussein’s time, for like Yazid, he had been stubbornly engaged in fighting against the true Islam and against all Divine values and that the Pahlavi regime was no better than the Bani Ummayyah rulers. A very important point to be mentioned here is that from the start of the Islamic Revolution on Khordad 1342 (1963)till it’s victory in Bahman 1357, Iranian women had outstanding participation; their activities in the struggling against the oppressive policies of the corrupt anti-human Pahlavi regime, their exemplary resistance in the face of the constant threats as well as arrests and tortures at the hands of the mercenary agents of Shah’s SAVAK, their selfless support for their husbands and sons in their revolutionary tasks and their tolerating the exile, imprisonment and martyrdom of their dear ones, besides their courageous participation in all anti-Shah demonstrations have been really marked, so much so that the leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini(ra)would on various occasions emphasize that “The share of the women in the Revolution was greater than that of men.”[1] and “Today also Iranian ladies have greater share of participation in this Movement and Revolution than men. And today too they are actively working behind warfronts and are playing worthier roles than men.”[2] Likewise, in the political-religious will of Imam Khomeini(ra)we read: “We pride ourselves for the fact that the Iranian ladies, both young and old and from various walks of life are actively present in cultural, economic and military scenes working shoulder-to-shoulder with men or even better than men to support Islam and the goals of the Holy Qur’an.” [3] Based on the Islamic decrees, in the Islamic Republic system women enjoy a supreme position and receive particular attention regarding their rights, whereas in the past and during the monarchial, puppet rule of the hireling Pahlavi regime, women were in fact humiliated most, so much so that they were encouraged by the regime to set aside all religious values and instead make themselves like painted dolls for the pleasure of men and/or for their material gains through movies and advertisements. Under such deplorable conditions, many religious families were even afraid to let their daughters go to universities, for fear of the corrupting influences. And when by Allah’s grace, the Islamic Revolution gained victory, conditions became favorable for the fruitful presence of chaste, pious women in various social areas, including in universities. Before the Revolution, there was a marked shortage of physicians in Iran, even male physicians, let alone female ones, while now after about 39 years, Iran is proud of having many competent knowledgeable physicians, both male and female as well as many others who have studied in other useful fields, including engineering. These are just a part of the achievements of the Islamic Republic of Iran attained with the marked, admirable presence and cooperation of women and sure the lists include many others too. Thanks to the enlightening teachings of Islam and the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini(ra) today in Iran the doors to all useful activities are open to women and also they can fulfill their social duties while observing their hijab and protecting their chastity. | ||||
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