27 July
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Renewal of Hopes

Renewal of Hopes

Mohammad Assadi Movahed

Happy Nowruz and New Iranian Year

Happy Nowruz and New Iranian Year

Compiled By: Firouzeh Mirrazavi

The Message of Hojjat al-Islam Mohammad Mahdi Imanipour President of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization On the Occasion of Nowruz

The Message of Hojjat al-Islam Mohammad Mahdi Imanipour President of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization On the Occasion of Nowruz

نفس باد صبا مشک فشان خواهد شد عالم پیر دگر باره جوان خواهد شد Morning breeze, its fragrance will exhale The old world will once again youthfully sail.

Nowruz in Countries

Nowruz in Countries

Zeinab Rastgarpanah

Tradition and Mythology

Tradition and Mythology

Saeed Noor Mohammad Oghli

Iranian women and Nowruz celebration

Iranian women and Nowruz celebration

In Iranian thought and culture, a woman is a symbol of giving birth, growth, and love. She spreads her sincere love and affection at home and makes the family pleasant. The vitality of the family depends on the vitality of the mother.

Leader’s message to Spanish-speakers on release of Spanish version of his book on memories of his struggles

Leader’s message to Spanish-speakers on release of Spanish version of his book on memories of his struggles

In the ceremony announcing the official release of the Spanish translation of the book “Cell Number 14” in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, Imam Khamenei’s message to all the Spanish speaking people of the world was published. The book “Cell Number 14” (in Spanish “Celda n.º 14”) contains Imam Khamenei’s memories of resistance from the periods he spent in prison and exile during his fight against the Pahlavi regime. The text of the Leader’s message is as follows:

Nowruz,Cultural Convergence, and Public Diplomacy

Nowruz,Cultural Convergence, and Public Diplomacy

By: Dr. Abdul Reza Farji Rad, Dr. Ribaz Ghorbani Nejad, and Dr. Abdullah Mehraban

Nowruz and Human Disposition

Nowruz and Human Disposition

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Alizadeh

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