27 July
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During the course of recent events in Iran, which were accompanied by some unrest, the anti-Islamic Republic western media and their allies tried to portray a false image of Iranian women - “emerging revolutionary heroes” opposing and confronting the system and the state.

Women’s Citizenship in the Islamic Republic of Iran: An Implication for New Knowledge Politics

Women’s Citizenship in the Islamic Republic of Iran: An Implication for New Knowledge Politics

G ender is “one of the modalities through which modernity is imagined and desired” (Rofel, 1999, p. 197); “being modern” cannot be approved as long as one’s position towards gender as a “basic component” of modernity is identified (Deeb, 2006, p. 29). Gender is simultaneously a historical element of the West’s

Iran’s Century A Historical Turning Point and the End of the Unipolar World

Iran’s Century A Historical Turning Point and the End of the Unipolar World

In recent days, Iran witnessed a terrorist attack on a Shiite holy place in the city of Shiraz, in which 14 pilgrims were martyred. This terrorist attack, for which the ISIS terrorist group took responsibility, occurred at a time when internal unrest continued in Iran over the hijab issue. The simultaneity of media attacks, takfiri terrorism, and internal disturbances within a period of one month reflects upon the unique and undeniable role of Iran in regional and international equations; prompting its enemies to put more pressure on Iran.

The Girl of Sea and Sky: My Dreams Came True

The Girl of Sea and Sky: My Dreams Came True

Born on May 5, 1981, Farisa Nekoumanesh Rad is an Iranian lady and international diving instructor and pilot who has earned the following honors for herself:

Why Do We Consider CEDAW Ineffective?

Why Do We Consider CEDAW Ineffective?

The protection of Human Rights specifically the Human Rights of Women is of high importance in international law. The global political-legal movement in 1979 which was seeking to provide a protective context for women led to the approval of CEDAW; The Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women which was supposed to be a fundamental and central document for the protection of women’s rights. We cannot ignore the efforts made to support women in that historical period, but in practice, due to various reasons, the aforementioned convention has not succeeded in securing and guaranteeing the rights of women around the world. More than forty years have passed since the ratification of this convention and the membership of many countries, French women are still dissatisfied with the high rate of femicide, British women deal with violence such as acid attacks, and Swedish women endure rape.

Seeing Through the Thick Fog of the Islamophobia Assault on Hijab

Seeing Through the Thick Fog of the Islamophobia Assault on Hijab

The current Islamophobia assault on hijab in Iran should be understood as part of a hybrid warfare against the Islamic Republic. For more than 60 days, unsubstantiated news stories full of hypes, Orientalist tropes, and misinformation have flooded TV screens and social media platforms around the world. What is for the most part missed is the fact that we are witnessing old wine in new bottles.  The old colonialist idea that Western culture is by essence superior to Eastern cultures is at the root of the current hijab conundrum. Thus, it could be said that we are witnessing the culmination of the western colonialist view of women, life and, freedom from several centuries of domination over the Islamic world. This view has several key propositions:

A Brief Glance at Islam’s View on Women

A Brief Glance at Islam’s View on Women

According to many experts, human resource is one of the main resources of sustainable development, in which culture, knowledge, skill, and creativity of people play a significant role. Besides forming half of this source of development, women have always been the nurturers and guides to both halves of human society and have played a significant role in forming the foundation of the human dimensions of development. Of course, this role can either appear as a positive and influential one or vice versa. Since the personality and identity of people are formed on the basis of values and beliefs, it is obvious that culture is a determining factor in the development of human resources, and all economic, social, and political orientations and activities in every society are affected by the specific culture of that society, on which religious beliefs and values have a significant impact. Thus, if the women of the society derive their identity from the religious culture, it will naturally have an influence on their activities and efforts in various fields.

The Steel Lady of Iran: “Self-sufficiency” Puts a Brake on Sanctions

The Steel Lady of Iran: “Self-sufficiency” Puts a Brake on Sanctions

Although the general perception is that women face limitations, Ms. Fatemeh Alamdari has proved it to be a wrong perception by taking effective steps in the direction of indigenizing the steel industry by launching seven companies and earning the title of “Steel Lady of Iran”.

Shiite Crescent Winning Stella?

Shiite Crescent Winning Stella?

“Shiite Crescent” is the title Malek Abdullah, king of Jordan, used to call Iran and its regional allies as part of the western-reactionary states’ anti-Iran coalition. The motivation behind the coalition has been the urge to curb Iran’s alleged expanding regional influence post-Islamic Awakening. The concept signifies the pro-Iran coalition –Syria’s Assad, Lebanon Hezbollah, Yemen Houthis, and Iraq– which together form the shape of a crescent on the map of the Middle East. Scholars within Iran, however, discuss that the pro-Iran regional coalition is far from turning into the Middle East hegemon, an attempt to contain the western intervention in the region. They refer to theorists of “threat-balancing” like Stephen M. Walt and Robert Pape to indicate that the coalition-making move on the side of Iran should not be conceived of as a supremacist threat against the Arab, Sunni states of the region, but simply a strategy to dissuade the US and Israel front.

The Rights of Women to Higher Education in the Islamic Republic of Iran

The Rights of Women to Higher Education in the Islamic Republic of Iran

From the viewpoint of Islam, education is considered one of the natural and innate rights of every human being; the principle that has been seriously taken into consideration by the legislators of the Islamic Republic of Iran, recognizing equal rights for men and women.

The Role of Academic Women in Media Management With Emphasis on Social Media

The Role of Academic Women in Media Management With Emphasis on Social Media

In the contemporary world, which is popularly known as the age of communication and information, the role and importance of the media in societies require no elaboration. Social media is a new and influential media that has had a great impact on the lifestyle and communication methods of human society in recent years.

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