24 April
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Chastity Taught by the Holy Qur’an and Fatimah Al-Zahra(SA)

Chastity Taught by the Holy Qur’an and Fatimah Al-Zahra(SA)

 Undoubtedly chastity and accordingly modest proper covering (Hijab) is both necessary for the well-being and security of the society and also for the protection of the honour and human dignity of the society's members in particular the women. In fact, chastity in Islam is regarded as a moral virtue related to worship of God and guaranteeing human happiness. In the Holy Qur’an, the believing girls and women are advised: “O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters, and believers’ wives as well, to draw their cloaks close around themselves. That is more appropriate so they may be recognized and not molested. God is Forgiving, Merciful.”    Al-Ahzab: 59

Model Women in the Holy Qur’an

Model Women in the Holy Qur’an

As inferred from the Holy Qur’an, pious women can be models both for women and men, the most outstanding model women being of course Her Holiness Fatimah (SA), Her Holiness Khadija (SA), Her Holiness Maryam/Mary (SA), Asiyah, the daughters of Prophet Sho’aib (AS), and the mother of Her Holiness Maryam (SA). In this short article, we will talk about Her Holiness Asiyah, the daughters of Prophet Sho’aib (AS) and Her Holiness Maryam’s mother; since talking about the virtues of Her Holiness Fatimah (SA) and her esteemed mother requires much greater space and many more pages.


Education in the Language of the Holy Qur’an

Education in the Language of the Holy Qur’an

The Holy Qur’an is the Divine Book of guidance, revealed to educate human beings. Thus, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam to whom the Holy Qur’an was revealed, has been chiefly tasked with education and guidance of human beings.

Stories in the Holy Qur’an

Stories in the Holy Qur’an

Qur’anic stories are profound and meaningful, containing sublime goals. Indeed Allah - the Gracious has, in the Holy Qur’an presented many moral and social teachings and decrees through stories and parables.

Illuminating Light of Guidance

Illuminating Light of Guidance

On the occasion of “26th International Holy Qur’an Exhibition”, certain measures have been taken by authorities regarding the promotion of Qur’anic knowledge. In this connection Professor Abdul-Hadi Feghhizadeh, the deputy of the “Qur’an and Etrat” of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance said: “The slogan of the 26th International Holy Qur’an Exhibition is “The Holy Qur’an, the Illuminating Light of Guidance” or in Persian language “Qur’an Chel Cheraghe Hedayat”.

Unity as Viewed by Imam Khomeini (ra)

Unity as Viewed by Imam Khomeini (ra)

According to Imam Khomeini (ra), unity (Wahdah) is a blessing for which we should be grateful. His Holiness would repeatedly call upon the people to be thankful to Allah for the blessing of unity through such statements: “This very our sitting and talking together brotherly and with trust towards each other is a blessing (N’imah) given us by Allah and we should preserve this blessing.”  “Brothers (in-faith) should be united with good-will and brotherly feelings and thanks to Allah (here), they already are so. This is the greatest blessing and we should protect this blessing. As long as we protect and preserve this Divine blessing, we will be safe and guarded against all Satans.”

Family and Values from the Viewpoint of the Holy Qur’an

Family and Values from the Viewpoint of the Holy Qur’an

Education is certainly the most significant factor behind the formation of human character and her/his identity. Proper education should no doubt be regarded as the education based upon Divine values and imparted through knowledgeable, committed instructors the first of whom being parents, since education starts in the family environment, as we observe that the role of the family in education have been pointed out in the Holy Qur’an. And obviously, through benefiting from the Holy Qur’an, families can as the most fundamental units of education and training, take the most effective steps towards presenting Islamic education to the offsprings.

Qur’anic discussion among followers of various Islamic sects

Qur’anic discussion among followers of various Islamic sects

Dialogues and discussions are no doubt effective ways of getting informed about various thoughts, beliefs and viewpoints and finding the correct reasonable ones among them. Also, according to the Islamic Commands on unity and solidarity among Muslims, properly-guided dialogues and discussions should take place among them for bringing them closer together. The aim followed by all in this regard needs to be finding facts and if this aim is followed, we can hope for Allah’s help and guidance, as the Holy Qur’an says: “…who listen to the Statement and follow the best in it. Those are the ones whom God has guided; those are prudent persons.” Al-Zumar, 18

Sayyid Ali Khamenei

Sayyid Ali Khamenei

Dear youth! I have the hope that you- now or in the future- can change this mentality corrupted by duplicity, a mentality whose highest skill is hiding long-term goals and adorning malevolent objectives.

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